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Yashuntafun Cosplay » Sailor Neptune

Sailor Neptune
Sailor Moon

Inspiration: I confess, I have watched very little Sailor Moon, opting to watch Dragon Ball Z instead back in the day when they were both on Toonami. However, a friend of mine has talked me into reading the manga and I’m going to give it a try now that I’ve found myself cosplaying as a Sailor Moon character. Katie invited me to wear this Neptune costume she made as part of a group at Momocon, and because I love cosplaying with her and thought it might be fun to wear a sailor fuku, I happily accepted!

Materials/Construction Details: I didn’t make a single piece of this costume. It was all beautifully crafted by Katie. She put a lot of effort into getting all the details just right and the construction was flawless.

Katie as Sailor Uranus
Riki as Sailor Saturn

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